Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Another piece of gear that I can't live without- gaiters. They make a 5 inch tall boot a 50 inch tall boot--- preventing pesky snow and rain from getting inside the boot. I mainly wear gaiters in the winter, but if I ever get around to buying a shorter pair I would consider wearing them through other seasons.

The team


Red Bike said...

At one point I thought they were some sort of fashion accessory.

You'd see hundreds of people walking around the towns located at the foot of fells in Gaiters. They'd clearly never gone up the hills though. Far too clean.

SewAmy said...

I may have to invest in a pair one day. We are going to start hiking again. But not until it warms up. How do you handle the cold?

journeyseeds said...

OH, we have an australian cattle dog too! Her name is Maude.