Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Saving my Life

I've struggled with brewing a good cup of camp coffee for years. I've heard of the cowboy coffee method (no thanks!) and I've carried the plastic coffee holder over a cup with my hands (ouch!), but I think I may have found my newest, most favoritest camping equipment. The GSI Java Drip.

Saving My Life

I've used it car camping and loved it. I'm also thinking that I just take that handy silicone top and place it over a smaller, lightweight cup and it would be perfect for my upcoming ladies cycling trip.

Saving My Life

Also, that black cloth filter is reusable. How great is that?

1 comment:

Shorty said...

So glad you linked to your other site! I love finding out about camping tips and tricks. I'm one of those "loves to camp indoors" kind of gals, trying to make the transition into the real camping world, so suggestions like this mean I can take a bit more of home with me to the wilderness! Love your blog!