Thursday, December 16, 2010

Misty Superstar

Oh yes, that's right. Misty has been making tracks on the blogs. She just hightailed it over to Ruff Wear's blog for Christmas. Her and Santa have been talking and I am pretty sure she'll be getting a new bone in her stocking this year...


Misty in Tent

PS are you freaked out how close Christmas is? We've had a stomach bug that knocked us back an extra week. I haven't even started with Christmas yet....Yikes!


Hello Again Vintage said...

Your doggie is so adorable. Don't worry, you still have a few days left to Christmas shop - that's if you start like right now (hehehe..)! I can't believe how fast this year went.

Hope you have a good holiday!


Jay Dub said...

I'm with Grace. I love the shots you take of your dog.

Betty Mountain Girl said...

Thanks for your kind comment Grace! I've really got to kick into high gear! This year really did fly by, but at the same time I'm excited and hopeful for the new year too :=)

Thanks Jay Dub!

Beth said...

I just wanted to say how much I love your blog. It's interesting and insightful and humorous. Keep it coming!

Richard said...

Love the pics of Misty! She's a super star!

Betty Mountain Girl said...

Thanks Beth! Your words are wind in my adventure lovin' ears!

Thanks Richard!!