I'm petrified of being hit by a car. I take all the recommended precautions. I always indicate when I am turning. I wear bright colors and flashing lights. I avoid roads with no shoulders.
But the truth is, you can take all the precautions you want. You can worry about it while you ride, before you ride, or even after you ride, but all it takes is one stupid distracted driver.
Last week, after a series of extreme, rare and difficult life moments (which is why this is so even more random to me) I was hit by a distracted driver. Thank God, she barely skimmed me. I was hardly hurt- but I was very,very, shaken up.
The weather was perfect- there was no sun in any one's eyes. I had been riding on a super quiet back country road where cars come once every few minutes. I was pausing for a moment on an open stretch of road- no hills to be hidden by, no corner's to tuck around. I had stopped to take a break, because let's face it- I need breathing breaks when I ride.
The car scraped around my arm and swerved across the road. The driver slammed on there breaks maybe twenty feet past me- obviously too late if she had been any closer to me. She comes out shaken up- saying she's so sorry, she didn't see me (sitting on the side of a quiet open road with a bright yellow jacket on- right). She had been distracted by her four kids she tells me.
She swears to me she will never drive distracted again. We're both crying now because she was an inch from killing me.
What's the lesson here? I dunno- that we should all know better- right? I mean- when we drive we should drive- not text, or watch tv, or surf the internet or god knows what the heck people do other than drive when driving.
It occurs to me that some of you all must have had collisions or near collisions with cars. Anyone feel like sharing? Any tips for avoiding future catastrophes? PS thanks for listening to my story all.